The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time

Posted by David Tanguay.
First posted on 04 November 1997. Last updated on 15 May 2014.
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In this sequel to The Journeyman Project, Gage Blackwood returns as Agent 5 of the Temporal Security Agency. Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time builds on the successful elements of its predecessor while correcting most of its failings. The result is a classic adventure game that rises beyond the original to give the gamers an immersing gaming experience that is rarely found.

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Previous Comments

The Journeyman Project 2 (along with part 3 and a remake of part 1) is now available from GOG. We also came across a significant batch of archival material for the second game that is making us seriously consider some type of remastered version.

United States By The Journeyman Project • On 21 July 2015 • From San Diego, CA


It has been a long time, but the game remains unique

Russia By |Ivan| • On 16 May 2007 • From Moscow

Hello, Great website!
I'm looking for games like The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time or 3 to play.
I loved #2 it was great!
Could anyone tell me where can i find games like that or just there names plz.

By Dima Motel • On 07 November 2002 • From Israel

After playing Burried in Time, I bought all three of the series.. I'm spoiled. I measure all other games by The Journeyman Project trilogy and they fall short. I hope the 4th game comes out, i've been waiting, and will continue to wait for more. I also wondered why these games didn't get more publicity. There Great.

By Cynthia Fernandez • On 02 July 2002 • From Spotswood NJ USA

Well, alright, I was talking to a buddy of mine about the differences between action games and adventure games, and I had to hip him to one of my all-time faves, Buried In Time. I first played it on my buddy Gary's now antiquated Compaq Presario (forgot the model #), and had to fight with an incredible software glitch in the interface, which forced me to change interface modes to shake off the glitch before the screen would show me where I was actually going, but the game itself was so intriguing that I kept at it... and I have to tell you, the catharsis of finishing that story was enough to keep me so hooked, I played it again a year later, and loved it just as much, especially since my own computer runs it better, and the glitch rarely surfaced after I installed the much-needed patch correctly.

Da Vinci's Workshop... War in Medieval France... Incan Pyramids, gang... what more do you need? Life on Earth in the future? Space stations? Alien planets? Fine! Got them all! And every place is as cool and as engrossing as the last. Better than Wonderland! I swear it!

The thing is, the game is so effective at convincing you that you are there, you really can't wait to get to the next problem and the next. All of the hurdles and the encounters and the near-misses with death and discovery heighten the excitement in ways straight action games never do, for me, because senseless slaughter just can't draw me in the way a good mystery does.

Sad to be in the minority. Still loving my adventure games. Buried In Time: The Journeyman Project II Rocked! (and that was the only one I got to play. I'm dying to play the other two)

[This was NOT a paid advertisement. *grin*]

By Lee Edward McIlmoyle • On 22 September 2001 • From Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Nice ways of solutions of games in here. I came to search for the solution of Buried In Time, because I wanted to solve ALL the puzzles and get ALL the points. Unfortunately the writer of the solution of BIT has the same problems as I have. But I will come back if I won't get further in Legacy Of time (if I find the game once), because this is a REAL good site.
Carry On!

By Adrian Steiner • On 04 April 2000 • From Switzerland

To quote the title of a game: "You don't know jack."

Personally, I found that, yes, the graphics blew me away, and yes, the story is so well done. The music ROCKED. And yes, the window is a mite small. Also, the game had a charm to it, which seemed to come from the fact that the whole thing was a labor of love, something a bunch of people got together for the sole purpose of doing.

The gameplay was actually pretty good. I had little trouble going forward and backward, and turning. I liked the time limits. I liked the Hint window. And the inventory display, though not perfect, still served it's function. The thing about the inventory is that now I hate any graphic adventure that DOESN'T carry an inventory storage like that (EG Myst, Riven).

In regards to the "puzzles out of game" syndrome...The maze was actually pretty fun if you had the mapping chip on. The music in that section was superb.
The "color node" puzzle was the only part I didn't like. I always re-load to after I solved it for that reason. However, I did enjoy the "arcade-y" part. And the molecule assembly part. And the geography part (though that was hard, it was really fun looking back on it).

And Buried in Time was pretty, and Arthur was incredibly well done ("Ya gotta tell 'em. Ya gotta tell 'em! SOYLENT GRUEL IS MADE OUT OF PEOPLE!"), there was something missing. It felt like a well done, well thought out after-market quickie.

But this is from the guy who liked "Amber - Journeys Beyond"

By Roscoe Mathieu • On 03 January 2000 • From Morro Bay, CA