Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan

Posted by Mark Newheiser.
First posted on 28 October 2009. Last updated on 14 December 2009.
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The third chapter of the Tales of Monkey Island series takes the latest saga of Guybrush Threepwood a step further. In the first chapter, Guybrush learns about the new world in which he finds himself victim to the spreading pox of LeChuck. In the second chapter, Guybrush adjusts to life with a new LeChuck who is no longer evil and what that may mean for him and his wife. In this chapter,…

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Very Good

Thanks for the comments dds, I was trying to figure out for myself at one point why inventory combination seemed odd. And personally while Morgan seems way more attractive, interesting, and less of an overbearing mother figure to Guybrush, I have a hard time seeing TellTale promoting infidelity or divorce by the time the series reaches its end, it would be a little different if Guybrush was still a free agent. Based on my interview with Sean they'll likely play with the drama for a little while longer though before patching up Guybrush and Elaine, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out too.

United States By Mark Newheiser • On 29 October 2009 • From California, USA


Nice review. I'm playing the series, and liked your crossword-puzzle analogy. Personally, this is the best of the three episodes so far. But having played one other episodic series (Sam & Max Season 1), I'm still not sure about the model.

The overall game play and "feel" seems off. The number of objects you can interact with, whether key to progressing or just for flair are limited. It makes for a less interesting experience and with the amount of backtracking you end up doing, it gets numbing at times.

I could also complain about how the inventory system forgets two decades of adventure gaming precedent by not allowing you to combine two items by having one selected and clicking on the one you want to combine it with. Picky? Not really, just poor design.

That said, I love the series. I absolutely agree with you, Mark, in that the driving force is the story and re-shuffling of relationships...and likely my desire to continue playing. Well, that and the fact I already pre-ordered the full series on Steam when it came out ;)

Personally, I hope Guybrush dumps Elaine and hooks up with Morgan!

United States By dds • On 29 October 2009 • From Somewhere