
These are the user-contributed forums for discussing articles posted on this site. We do not have editorial control of the comments posted in these forums.

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Titles Comments Dates
Danuta Sienkowska, Robert Ożóg 1 2025/01/27 
Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek 5 2024/12/31 
The Mystery of the Mummy 1 2024/04/29 
Return to Zork 26 2024/03/17 
Shivers 21 2023/11/20 
Scott Adams 2 2022/05/12 
Gateway 5 2022/02/03 
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & the Flame 3 2022/01/23 
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! 5 2021/11/17 
Discworld 16 2021/05/06 
Knut Müller 4 2021/04/09 
DreamWeb 15 2021/02/27 
A brief history of Police Quest 11 2020/11/18 
Rhem 3: The Secret Library 5 2020/06/29 
Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams 5 2020/06/06 
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express 1 2020/01/30 
Lighthouse: The Dark Being 5 2019/10/16 
David Gray 2 2019/09/13 
Countdown 3 2019/09/09 
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel 28 2019/07/04 
Benoît Sokal 9 2019/06/26 
Planetfall 5 2019/01/10 
Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life 3 2018/11/25 
Zork III: The Dungeon Master 2 2018/02/15 
A Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyrie 1 2018/01/08 
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! 20 2017/08/01 
Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals 5 2017/04/20 
Police Quest 3: The Kindred 1 2016/10/18 
The Vortex: Quantum Gate II 1 2016/07/27 
Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge 2 2016/07/03 
Myst 15 2016/06/19 
Shivers Two: Harvest of Souls 8 2016/02/19 
Cyberia 10 2015/12/26 
Legacy of The Journeyman Project 18 2015/12/19 
Roberta Williams 33 2015/12/14 
King's Quest: Mask of Eternity 29 2015/12/06 
Simon the Sorcerer 5: Who'd Even Want Contact?! 1 2015/11/07 
Death in adventure games 10 2015/10/25 
Lukasz Pisarek 1 2015/10/18 
The Inheritance 1 2015/09/22 
Virtual Murder 2: The Magic Death 1 2015/09/14 
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time 7 2015/07/21 
Out Of This World 8 2015/06/19 
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human 15 2015/05/28 
Alone in the Dark 3 2 2015/03/26 
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery 17 2015/02/08 
Phantasmagoria 22 2015/02/08 
Universe 1 2015/02/08 
Beneath a Steel Sky 3 2015/02/08 
Companions of Xanth 1 2015/02/08 
Alone in the Dark 17 2015/02/08 
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 9 2015/02/08 
KGB 2 2015/02/08 
Flashback: The Quest for Identity 20 2015/02/08 
Dark Seed 10 2015/02/08 
Cruise for a Corpse 4 2015/02/08 
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge 44 2015/02/08 
The Secret of Monkey Island 24 2015/02/07 
Prince of Persia 3 2015/02/07 
Mean Streets 1 2015/02/07 
Lure of the Temptress 1 2015/02/07 
Nancy Drew: The Deadly Device 2 2015/01/23 
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 1 2015/01/11 
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure 1 2014/12/25 
Atlantis -The Lost Tales- 16 2014/12/05 
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon 7 2014/11/29 
NiBiRu: Age of Secrets 20 2014/11/26 
About Us 385 2014/11/23 
Amnesia: The Dark Descent 1 2014/10/20 
How to design an ideal computer role playing game? 8 2014/09/01 
AnaCapri: The Dream 1 2014/08/02 
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games: Episode Two: Blood of the Cybermen 2 2014/07/25 
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride 45 2014/07/22 
Adam's Venture Episode 1: The Search for the Lost Garden 2 2014/07/14 
Dead Reefs 6 2014/06/26 
The descent of the games industry: an adventure gamer's perspective 7 2014/05/14 
Charles Cecil 1 2014/05/08 
The making and remaking of The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime 4 2014/04/25 
CSI: Miami 1 2014/04/03 
Alexander Bruce 1 2014/02/05 
Roberta Williams 3 2014/01/16 
Penumbra: Black Plague 2 2014/01/09 
Josef Fares 1 2014/01/02 
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Episode 1 1 2013/12/31 
Jewels II: The Ultimate Challenge 17 2013/12/26 
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero 23 2013/12/03 
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder 7 2013/10/06 
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Episode 4: The Cain Killer 2 2013/10/05 
Hugo's House of Horrors 1 2013/10/02 
Why bother playing old adventure games? 8 2013/09/27 
Star Trek: Hidden Evil 2 2013/09/09 
Hotel 1 2013/08/17 
Inhabited Island: The Earthling 1 2013/08/10 
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh 12 2013/08/04 
Adventure game puzzles we have known and hated 8 2013/07/15 
Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall 3 2013/06/25 
Cursed Mountain 1 2013/06/08 
The Neverhood 2 2013/06/02 
Prominence 2 2013/05/25 
Shaban 1 2013/04/30 
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